Vinyl Floor Tile (2mm)

Finishes - Flooring - Resilient Flooring

Environmental Indicators

Global Warming Potential
Kg CO2 eq

Product Information

Manufacturer Name
Bay Resource Group Inc.
Product Description
Luxury vinyl flooring in this EPD are manufactured in an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 facility in China. The manufacturer warrants for a period of 20 years from the date of purchase, which is used as the reference service life in this EPD. However, according to the manufacturer, the potential product lifetime when properly used and maintained can last as long as 60 years. PRODUCT APPLICATION Luxury vinyl flooring in this EPD are used in various commercial and residential applications, including retail, education, and hospitality. PRODUCT PERFORMANCE Table 1. Product performance test results for luxury vinyl flooring products in this EPD. Property Test Method Result 44 μg/m3 .h VOC State of California DOHS R-174 Less than 10% of allowable level Critical Radiant Flux ASTM E648-10 Pass; Class 1 Smoke Density (flaming) ASTM E662-09 Pass; < 357 Smoke Density (non-flaming) ASTM E662-09 Pass; 339 Pass 0.90 (wet); compliance varies with Slip Resistance ASTM D2047 surface texture No detectable heavy metals Heavy Metal Content ASTM F963 <1.5mg/kg Phthalate CPSC-C1001-09.3 Exceeds CPSA guideline. Phthalate free. State Load limit ASTM F970 Residual compression 0.004 inch Flexibility ASTM F137 Pass; 6mm Mandrel Color Fastness (heat) ASTM F1514 Pass Color Fastness (light) ASTM F1515 Pass Quality Control Management ISO 9001 Achieved Heat Stability ASTM F1514 Pass
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